Friday, December 11, 2009

Second 9 week study guide with answers

NAME __________________________________________ PERIOD ____________
9 week STUDY GUIDE (2nd quarter)

F=ma a=F/m m=F/a d=st s= d/t t= d/s a = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

1) Earth's moon has much more dramatic evidence of collisions with objects from space than does planet Earth itself. This is best explained by the fact that:

2) A spring tide is most likely to occur during a(n):
a. waxing crescent moon b. waxing gibbous moon c. 1st or 3rd quarter moon d. eclipse

3) Ceres used to be the largest asteroid, but recently lost this title due to the fact that it has:

4) At predictable times, there are forecasts for streaks of light visible across the night sky. These will typically come from the areas of certain constellations and are called ______________ showers.

5) Astronomers are currently carefully watching a rocky body that is orbiting around the sun which is called Apophis, meaning 'The Destroyer'. Apophis is referred to as a(n):

6) The BEST reason for planet Earth experiencing seasons is that:
a. the moon's orbit is tilted b. the shape of orbits are not perfect circles
c. Earth's axis is tilted d. the gravity of the moon and sun interact

7) The Earth has an imaginary line which passes through the north and south pole. When the south end of this line is pointing toward the sun, the Southern Hemisphere must be experiencing:
a. summer b. an eclipse c. winter d. an equinox

8) What is the proper linear arrangement of the sun, moon and earth for a lunar eclipse?

9) The area known as the asteroid belt is located between the orbits of planets:
a. Earth and Mars b. Jupiter and Neptune c. Mars and Jupiter d. Mercury and Mars

10) The distance known as a 'light year' is closest to approximately how many miles?

11) The proper term to describe how two waves can interact with one another and produce one wave is:
a. diffusion b. diffraction c. reflection d. interference

12) When all of the forces acting upon a book on a table are considered, and there is a net force of 0, then:
a. the forces are unbalanced. b. the forces are constructive.
c. the forces are reflected. d. the forces are balanced.

13) The reason that you see the color blue on a person's jeans is because:
a. the blue wavelengths are absorbed by the jeans b. the blue wavelengths are reflected by the jeans
c. all color wavelengths except blue are reflected by the jeans d. the sky is blue

14) Newton's 3rd law of motion is best stated as :
a. for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction b. objects at rest tend to stay at rest
c. F=ma d. D= st

15) A final stage of a star when the star is very dense and still very hot is the:

16) A correct order of temperature of stars starting from HOTTEST, going to coolest is
a. orange red blue b. yellow white orange c. yellow white blue d. yellow orange red

17) Which provides information on a star's composition and temperature?
a. spectrograph b. buoyant dopler oscilloscope c. Kepler star box d. Sagan star slayer

18) When a ball is dropped off the roof of a three story building and allowed to free fall toward the ground, which of the following is FALSE ?
a. The rate of speed will increase during fall.
b. The rate of acceleration will increase during the fall.
c. As long as the ball is the same size, the time it takes to hit the ground should not be different.
d. Gravity is pulling the ball toward the center of the Earth.

19) Tony rode his bicycle to school doing an average speed of 24 miles per hour. If the trip one way was 8 miles, then how long did it take him to make the one way trip? a. 6 minutes b. 10 minutes c. 20 minutes d. 30 minutes

20) All magnets have two : a. poles b. domains c. electrons d. magnetites

21) Which of the following planets is closest to the sun?
a. Saturn b. Jupiter c. Neptune d. Uranus

22) Which of the following is best described as a 'dirty snowball' of ice, rock and cosmic dust?
a. meteor b. asteroid c. meteoroid d. comet

23) The most accepted current scientific theory for the formation of the universe is called:

24) A small rocky object which has traveled through space is able to survive a trip through our atmosphere and crashes down on the Omni tennis courts. Your science class goes out to look at this object, now called a(n):

25) Joe jogged on Jog road for 1.5 hours at an average speed of 8 miles per hour. What total distance did he jog? _____________________________________________________________________________________

26) The longest stage of a star's life cycle is termed the :

27) Choose the INCORRECT statement:
a. When comparing apparent star brightness, a higher value indicates a brighter star.
b. The absolute magnitude of a star measures what a star's brightness actually is.
c. The same side of the moon always faces the Earth.
d. Stars are still moving away from each other

28) You over heard an astronomer say that " the Earth, sun, and moon are in a straight line arrangement tonight." Based only on this information, which is most UNLIKELY to occur in the next 24 hours?
a. neap tide b. full moon c. new moon d. spring tide

29) What does the word PLANET mean?

30) Which famous 17th century scientist used a telescope to explore the sky?
a. Newton b. Copernicus c. Darwin d. Galileo

31) The average distance between the Earth and the sun is termed the :

32) What may form when a very massive star collapses and the force crushes the center of the star into an extremely dense area? a. apophis b. comet c. red dwarf d. black hole

33) Once called LGM (short for Little Green Men), spinning neutron stars which are sending out pulses of radiation are actually called: a. pulsars b. apophis c. constellations d. white dwarfs

34) A star tends to have a longer life if it :
a. is less massive b. is more massive c. is blue or red d . is white or orange

35) What did the Voyager missions discover about Jupiter?
a. that it has a faint ring b. data about its composition
c. data about its temperature d. details about its moon systems

36) On a scale for our solar system where a 4 inch diameter softball represents our sun, what should be the approximate size of our Earth?
a. the dot on top of this 'i' b. a marble c. a ping pong ball d. one AU

37) A collection of stars, dust and gas bound together by gravity is a description of a:
a. supernova b. black hole c. galaxy d. red giant

38) The Milky Way is an example of a(n) :
a. spiral galaxy b. supernova c. constellation d. irregular galaxy

39) The 'Big Bang' Theory states that there was an explosion of an infinitely dense point which occurred approximately how many years ago? _____________________________________________________________________________________

40) Within an area of space called the Orion Belt Nebula, one would expect to be able to see:
a. apophis b. familiar zodiac constellations c. our own asteroid belt d. stars being born

41) The reason that we do not witness eclipses more often has to do with the fact that:

42) We experience our longest day (most daylight) on the :

43) A complete solar eclipse occurs when :

44) The largest artificial satellite known is :

45) The current most accepted theory for the formation of our moon states that the moon formed when:

46) When Monty looked up at the moon at midnight, he noticed that only a small sliver or slice on the left side of the moon was reflecting light. The very next phase of the moon which one would expect to see would be the:
a. new moon b. waxing gibbous c. first quarter d. third quarter

47) Most moons, including Earth's own have synchronous orbits. This simply means that the moon's :

48) A moon period which one would observe after the new moon and before the next full moon is called :
a. Betelgeuse b. lunar eclipse c. third quarter d. waxing

49) The different appearances of the moon seen from Earth and due to the relative positions of the sun, moon and Earth are termed the moon's :

50) When a feather and a hammer are both dropped from the same height on the moon at the same time, then:
a. both of these hit the moon's surface at the same time.
b. the hammer hits the moon surface first, and then the feather does.
c. both hammer and feather float upwards and off into space.
d. both hammer and feather float motionless and neither hit the moon surface nor float away.

51) A compass needle 'that points North' is indicating that that direction is toward the:

52) If you are viewing a waning gibbous moon, this indicates that:
a. the moon appears to be almost gone, (mostly dark) and it will have a greater lit surface the next night.
b. it would be impossible to wax a car at midnight due to a lack of moonlight.
c. the new moon has just occurred.
d. the moon was just recently 'full'.

53) If tonight you view a crescent moon which shows the RIGHT side of the moon reflecting the sun's light, then based on the cycles of the moon, tomorrow night you would expect to see:

54) Which of the following is FALSE regarding Saturn?
a. If you could put it into a large enough ocean of water, it would float.
b. It is known as a 'gas giant' and one of the so called 'outer planets.'
c. Within our solar system, it is located as the 7th planet away from our sun.
d. Its rings are made of different sized ice particles.

55) What planet has its axis tipped almost completely on its 'side?'

56) What planet experiences retrograde rotation?

57) What happened to Pluto recently and WHY?

58) The effect that a person has on the planet's environment is often referred to as a :
a. carbon footprint b. boron baseline c. nitrogen nosehair d. oxygen orifice

59) Which of the following BEST explains how herbivores help to maintain the balance of the food web in an ecosystem?
a. They eat the plants. b. They eat other animals.
c. They eat BOTH plants and animals. d. They break down decaying matter and return it to the soil.

60) A homeowner accidentally used a chemical treatment that eliminated the bacteria in the lawn. What would be the long term effect of such an action?

61) What is Jupiter's Great Red Spot?
a. thick layers of greenhouse gases b. a mixture of metallic and liquid hydrogen
c. evidence of a collision with a 'Red Giant' d. a huge storm system

62) As the Earth spins on its axis, at any point in time when one considers the side of Earth that is facing the moon, the oceans on that part of the Earth must be experiencing a:
a. low tide b. spring tide c. tidal bulge d. neap tide

63) What are the main processes in the water cycle?

64) When any of the three types of rocks break down into smaller pieces, the result is:

65) The ________ refers to the strip of sky that the sun, moon and planets appear to move through from the Earth's perspective. ________________________________________

66) The law of electric charges states that:
like charges will ______________ one another , and unlike charges will ___________ one another.

67) An old gold coin is hit by 9 radio waves during a 5 second period. The radio waves have amplitudes of .2 meters. What is the frequency of these waves? a. 9 hz b. 144 hz c. 28.2 hz d. 1.8 hz

68) What are Newtons 3 Laws of Motion?

69) An example of an electric discharge of static electricity is when:
a. a magnet creates a magnetic field. b. there is a lightning.
c. a wave experiences interference. d. the domains of a magnet line up similarly.

70) What is another name for SOUTHERN LIGHTS and NORTHERN LIGHTS?

71) A broken ipod was thrown into the air down Military Trail by Mad Mike and traveled a distance of 90 feet. A police officer with a radar gun determined it to be traveling at an average speed of 15 feet per second. How long was the ipod in the air? a. 4 seconds b. 6 seconds c. 8 seconds d. 12 seconds

72) Magnetic force can also be referred to as a:
a. contact force b. buoyant force c. non-contact force d. dipole voltaic force

73) When an object is floating on top of a liquid, the liquid is said to be exerting what type of force on the object?
a. contact force known as 'friction' b. noncontact force known as 'tension'
c. noncontact force known as 'buoyant force' d. contact force known as 'buoyant force'

74) The 'moonlight' we see at night is due to :
a. reflected sun light b. refracted moon light c. refracted sun light d. diffracted moon light

75) A wave can bend when it travels from one type of medium to another medium. This is because:
a. The wave's speed has changed. b. The wave's amplitude has changed.
c. The wave has been destroyed. d. The wave has constructed new energy.

76) An echo is due to a :
a. refracted sound wave. b. reflected sound wave.
c. diffracted sound wave. d. downloadable internet virus.

77) Respiration produces:
a. carbon dioxide b. carbon dioxide and sugar c. carbon dioxide and oxygen d. sugar and oxygen

78) A great blue heron flying south at 5 m/s increases its speed to 30 m/s over the period of 5 seconds. What was its acceleration rate? a. 2 m/s2 b. 5 m/s2 c. 65 m/s2 d. 25 m/s2

79) In order for a material to be 'magnetic':
a. its domains must be aligned opposing each other. b. its electrons must all spin in the same direction.
c. its domains must be aligned similarly. d. its electrons must equal the number of protons.

80) A Florida tortoise wishes to relocate to Texas. If she travels along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico, she will need to travel 960 miles. Her top speed is .24 miles per hour. Assuming she can maintain this speed, how many hours of travel does the tortoise need to make this trip? a. 4000 hr b. 23,040 hr c. 230.4 hr d. 2,304 hr

81) A submarine sends out a 'ping' sound which takes a total of 10 seconds to make the roundtrip from the sub to an enemy ship, and have the echo of the ping return to the sub. Based on an accepted value for the speed of sound in water to be 1500 meters per second, what is the calculated distance between the enemy ship to the sub?
a. 750 m b. 30,000 m c. 15,000 m d. 7500 m

82) One contact force which opposes motion is :
a. magnetism b. gravity c. interference d. friction

83) Two waves approach each other and experience destructive interference. If one wave has an amplitude of 21m and the other has an amplitude of 10m, what is the expected amplitude of the new wave created when these two waves meet? a. 7m b. 18m c. 11m d. 4.5m

84) The term which is used to describe what a home owner is doing with surplus electricity that his house has actually produced using solar panels is called :
a. combustion b. net metering c. subsidizing d. interference

85) Which of the following is NOT one of Kepler's laws of Planetary Motion?
a. A line joining a planet and the sun 'sweeps out' equal areas during equal intervals of time.
b. Planets will orbit the sun in a counterclockwise direction.
c. The square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis.
d. The shape of a planet's orbit is an ellipse.

86) The best unit to use when speaking of the distance between atoms in a chemical bond is the:
a. millimeter b. light second c. Angstrom d. AU

87) In order to cycle the element nitrogen through the environment, it is critical to have:
a. bacteria which 'fix' nitrogen - which means, to change it from a gas to a solid form.
b. fungi which 'liberate' nitrogen- which means, to change it from a solid to a gas form.
c. algae which 'break' nitrogen- which means to change nitrogen from a solid form to a liquid form.

88) Name the six simple machines.

89) Which of the following is NOT a term related to solar energy?
a. PV cell b. net metering c. multijunction cell d. gibbous cell

90) Draw, describe the magnetic field around a bar magnet (EX: where field is strongest).

91) The apparent motion of a planet seen as it seems to move 'backwards' through constellations is termed:

92) If a 100 cm bar magnet is cut into 20 smaller pieces, each being 5 cm long, you would then have:

93) Which planet has the LONGEST period of revolution?
a. Mercury b. Neptune c. Venus d. Earth

94) Which planet has a 'day' which is longer than its 'year'?
a. Mercury b. Neptune c. Venus d. Earth

95) Which planet is also known as the "red planet"? a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Uranus d. Pluto

96) Approximately how long does it take the moon to complete one entire cycle of its phases?

97) Galileo discovered the moons orbiting around which planet?

98) Why did ancient people believe that the planets were gods?

99) The constellations of the zodiac are useful in astronomy because:

100) If one planet's orbit is an average of 45 light minutes from the sun, and another planets orbit is an average of 1.4 light hours away from the sun, determine what the distance between these two orbits must be in light minutes.


ANSWER KEY TO STUDY GUIDE FOR 2nd Quarter 9week Exam

1. The moon does not experience any weathering or erosion, so any meteorites that create craters will leave relatively permanent scars. On earth, these craters are erased by erosion.

2. d
3. been reclassified as a dwarf planet
4. meteor
5. asteroid
6 c
7 a
8 sun Earth moon (also moon Earth sun)
9 c
10 6 trillion
11 d
12 d
13 b
14 a
15 white dwarf
16 d
17 a
18 b
19 c
20 a
21 b
22 d
23 The Big Bang Theory
24 meteorite
25 12 miles
26 main sequence
27 a
28 a
29 wanderer
30 d
31 Astronomical Unit
32 d
33 a
34 a
35 a
36 a
37 c
38 a
39 15 billion years ago
40 d
41 the moon's orbit around the Earth is tilted 5 degrees off of the 'main plane' of planet revolutions
42 first day of summer, summer 'solstice'
43 the moon completely blocks out our view of the sun
44 International Space Station
45 a large object crashed into Earth and scattered debris out to eventually reform an orbiting moon
46 a
47 period of rotation equals its period of revolution
48 d
49 phases
50 a
51 north geographic pole (also is area of the SOUTH magnetic pole)
52 d
53 a little bit bigger crescent, still lit up on the right side
54 c
55 Uranus
56 Venus
57 Pluto was voted out as a planet and reclassified a DWARF PLANET, b/c it was small like as asteroid.
58 a
59 a
60 will need to be fertilized because all of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria were killed
61 d
62 c
63 condensation, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, percolation, run off
64 sediment
65 ecliptic
66 like charges REPEL, unlike charges ATTRACT
67 d
68 object at rest stays at rest / f=ma / for every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction
69 b
70 aurora australis / aurora borealis
71 b
72 c
73 d
74 a
75 a
76 b
77 a
78 b
79 c
80 a
81 d
82 d
83 c
84 b
85 b
86 d
87 a
88 wedge, screw, inclined plane, lever, wheel & axle
89 d
90 rectangular bar with lines bending away from each pole and back toward opposite pole; also lines going straight away from the end poles…… most concentrated lines AT THE POLES where field is strongest.
91 retrograde motion
92 20 functional smaller magnets, each with a north and south pole
93 b
94 c
95 a
96 one month (around 29 days)
97 Jupiter
98 Watching the sky night after night, they saw the planets move East (relative to the other 'fixed' stars), then it would STOP, move WEST, STOP again, then move EAST again….. so they just 'had to be alive!'
99 when one looks to the sky to find the planets, they can be found within these constellations
100 first figure how many minutes that 1.4 light hours is….. one light hour is 60 light minutes. To figure .4 hours, .4 x 60 = 24 minutes so 60 + 24 = 84 light minutes for the second planet; last step is to subtract 84 light minutes - 45 light minutes = 39 light minutes

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Study Guide strand C test.


1. One box is experiencing forces as follows: a 55N force pushing the box North, another force pushing North with a force of 15N; a force pushing South at 63N and another force pushing the box toward the South with a magnitude of 6 N. What is the 'net force' acting on this box?

2. Explain what happened when the astronauts did the experiment on the moon with the hammer and the feather.

3. An object has a mass of 3kg and experiences a force of 12 N. What would be this object's rate of acceleration?

4. A rat moved through a maze and covered .0004 miles in .05 hours. What was the average speed of the rat while it was moving in the maze?

5. Explain the law of electric charges.

6. Fully explain how a lightning rod works.

7. Provide an example of an electric discharge of static electricity.

8. What are the scientific names for the Northern and Southern lights, and what causes these to appear?

9. A bird flew from Jog road to the Turnpike, ( a distance of about 10,000 feet) and averaged a speed of 50 feet per second. How long did it take the bird to fly this distance?

10. Tony rode his pet mule to school. It took .4 hours and he averaged a speed of 3 miles per hour. What was the distance covered during this mule ride?

11. Brittany's pet bat, Brian escaped from its cage and eagerly flew to freedom. Brian increase his speed form 3m/s to 6m/s over the period of 3 seconds. What is Brian's acceleration rate?

12. Describe everything you know about a magnet and how it might interact with another magnet.

13. How do the GEOGRAPHIC pole locations of Earth compare with the MAGNETIC pole locations of Earth?

14. Explain Newton's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws of motion.

15. A ball is dropped from the top of a building. Describe what happens to that ball's rates of velocity and acceleration as it falls.


17. What is the difference between the different types of wave interferences?

18. What are the 6 simple machines discussed.

19. What is a 'compound machine' and give an example.

20. Why is a blackboard black and a whiteboard white, and a basketball orange?

21. What was demonstrated in class when the green laser beam was directed into a container of water?

22. We can see Jupiter (as well as several other planets) at night shining brightly. Why?

23. What is the difference between an object experiencing 'balanced forces' compared to 'unbalanced forces?'

24. What causes refraction of a light beam as it passes from one medium to another?

25. A ping from a submarine takes 36 seconds to go from the sub to the enemy ship and be heard once again back at the sub. If sound travels at about 1500 m/ s, then how far away is the enemy ship?

26. How does an object become charged by 'friction?'

ANSWERS to Study Guide

1. Total force pushing to the NORTH is 55 +15 = 70 N while total force pushing SOUTH is 63 +6 = 69 N. Total north force is larger by 1N, so net force is 1N North

2. When the hammer and the feather were dropped on to the surface of the moon, they both landed at the same time because there was NO ATMOSPHERE (in other words, it took place in the 'vacuum of space', and no air resistance.) When this experiment is done on Earth, the feather would fall SLOWER, and hit the ground AFTER the hammer - because the air resistance (friction) would have a much greater affect on the feather.

3. F=ma so a= f/m and 12N/3kg = 4m/s2

4. d=st so s=d/t and .0004miles/.05hr = .008miles/hr

5. It states that like charges will repel each other (a positive charge repels a positive and a negative repels a negative) while unlike charges are attracted to each other.

6. Because it is made of metal, it attracts lightning to it, and when it is struck, it channels the electricity into the ground via a wire (sometimes connected to metal water pipes) , thus 'grounding' the electricity. This provides some protection for the combustible materials which houses are made from.

7. Lightning, and when you get or give a shock after walking across a carpet.

8. Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis are caused by the solar wind charged particles which collide with the Oxygen and Nitrogen in our outer magnetsphere. These collisions are much more noticeable at the magnetic poles, where the magnetic forces are strongest, and it causes the lights to appear.

9. d=st so t=d/s 10,000ft/50ft-second = 200 seconds = 3 minutes, 20 seconds

10. d=st so (.4 hr) ( 3mph) = 1.2 miles

11. a= the change in velocity / time = 6m/s -3m/s = 1 m/s
3 s

12. Magnets have a North and South Pole. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract. Earth behaves as if it has a huge magnet with a South magnetic pole near the North geographic pole and a North magnetic pole near the South geographic pole. A magnet has a magnetic field (with lines) surrounding it; areas with more lines have stronger force. A compass needle is a magnet which has a north pole (labeled N) that points to the geographic north pole. Electric current can cause a material to become magnetic. To be 'magnetic' requires the material's domains to be lined up in the same direction.

13. These poles are oppositely aligned (geographic north is near magnetic south pole.)

14. 1st- inertia (things at rest stay at rest, things in motion stay in motion-until acted on by an unbalanced force. 2nd- f=ma the acceleration of an object will depend on the size of the force exerted on it and also its mass. 3rd - forces exist in pairs, "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

15. As the ball drops, the velocity will increase faster and faster at a rate of increase known as acceleration. The velocity will reach a maximum 'terminal velocity' (top speed) in Earth's atmosphere due to air resistance. Once that top speed is reached, there is NO MORE INCREASE of speed, therefore no more acceleration (rate of acceleration then is= 0 )

16. Reflection is the BOUNCING of waves off an object such as light off a mirror, or sound off a canyon wall (echo); Refraction is the BENDING of waves as they pass from one medium to another; Diffraction is the bending of waves AROUND an OBSTACLE (sound does it well, while light not so well.)

17. Constructive is when the amplitudes of two waves add up to an amplitude larger than the initial waves; destructive is when the amplitudes of several waves combine to form a wave SMALLER than their original amplitudes.

18. Lever, wheel and axle (like a lever), inclined plane, wedge (like an inclined plane), screw (like an inclined plane), pulley

19. Two or more simple machines combined…. An apple corer.

20. Blackboard is black because ALL the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV) are absorbed into the blackboard…. Also why black clothes and cars get so hot! ; Whiteboard is white because it REFLECTS all of the colors of the rainbow (absorbs NONE)…….. the basketball is orange because the material absorbs all colors of the rainbow EXCEPT ORANGE which is the only color REFLECTED back to our eyes to see.

21. Reflection as the beam bounce up to the ceiling AND Refraction as the beam bent through the water.

22. Because of the REFLECTED white light of the SUN as it bounces off the planet.

23. Balanced forces result in a net force =0; unbalanced forces result in a net force NOT=0

24. The speed of the wave changes (slows down or speeds up)

25. One way trip would take 1/2 of the 36 seconds, or 18 seconds. If sound travels at 1500m/s , then over 18 seconds …. 18s x 1500 m/s = 27,000 meters away

26. By FRICTION, Electrons are wiped or rubbed from one object to a second object which then will have a negative charge. (note other ways to become charged are by direct contact -a simple touch: CONDUCTION; and indirect without contact: INDUCTION)